© 2011-2024 Kathleen Wright

Author’s Note: Forward to the Past

March 30, 2024

I wrote my SchoolsRetooled blog from February 2011 through a moment in 2016 when I realized that my “Special Rants” had overtaken topics in public education. I moved the rants to another blog to preserve the integrity of SchoolsRetooled. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was elected President and took possession of the Executive Office of the US Government. I abandoned the blog and, for a while, found myself chronicling current events in a “deTrumpville” log, truly in disbelief over a reality that could NOT happen in a democracy. However, the never-ending assaults on our freedoms and way of life did not prepare me for Trump’s reign to culminate in a full-blown insurrection within the walls of America’s Capitol on January 6, 2021.

We now stand on the precipice of a return to that chaos. How can this be happening?


Don’t Archive Just Yet: In memoriam (2011-2016) when we had a real US Department of Education

Reflections of an Urban Educator…teacher, nurse, and business woman seeking broad access to excellence in education for all children and effective support systems for sustainable continuous quality improvement for the adults.

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Or check out highlights from SchoolsRetooled, including excerpts from a new work-in-progress below:

Renewing the American Education Delivery System

Becoming a Single Delivery System Comprising Many Modalities


 No Fault Education Policy

1-minute PowerPoint on 8 Essentials for Education Delivery System Reform

Table: State Vs Federal Role in Education

If Not Now…When?

Special Ed: The Kids Stay in the Picture

Pension Debacle Demands Resolution

Affordable Healthcare Benefits for Employees and Retirees

Colleges Need to Get Real


My Philosophy of Education

On College Readiness

Very dry, non-hysterical take on testing addressed to Senate Education Committee Member, the super-cool Honorable Al Franken

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