
SchoolsRetooledTM focuses on PreK-12 education reform, school/district turnaround, strategic planning, and alternative program design. My blog offers insight, advice and the occasional rant* from my collective experience as a nurse, business manager, urban educator, and policy analyst. My point of view calls for an end to the blame game while seeking accurate diagnoses and real solutions to the need for excellence and equity in the education of everyone’s children. I believe in greatness in urban youth, miracles in Special Education, and mobility in education careers.

I am a graduate of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the University of Virginia School of Nursing. I pursued training in education through the Massachusetts Institute for New Teachers. I am certified as a Principal for high school as well as a Teacher of Mathematics and Special Education. More…

Contact me at schoolsretooled@gmail.com

  • My ranting on the economy, healthcare, and politics began to escalate over the past few years, threatening to taking over the blog. To keep SchoolsRetooled.com on topic, I made the decision to transfer most Special Rants to my Chapter Three blog…where my bucket list of things I just have to say can find voice.